Sunday, April 13, 2008

How to Remove Dandelions

It seems that spring has sprung as well as the dandelion population, a colony of them have decided to plant themselves in our side yard. There are various ways to get rid of them, some will pick them, others will spray with chemicals, however I have found a way to get to the root of the problem and make a statement to any other freeloading dandelions that just happen to be in the neighborhood.

Okay, now that I think about it, I may have overreacted.

Digging up the dandelions was more of a fringe benefit of what is actually going on. Normally I would park my car in that area. We have been working on ways to reduce the amount of grass. So we are going to put in a flagstone parking area as well as widen the driveway with flagstones on either side.

Currently this is Phase One, which is somewhat complete, I am in the process of getting all the loose mud out of the hole, for the beginning of Phase Two, which is spreading out a layer of rocks, which I have had practice doing before, and one thing I learned is that rocks don't like being moved..and can become very stubborn about leaving their spot.

Phase Two starts tommorow, so I need to rest a bit.


Anonymous said...

Removing Dandelions can be best be done by a dwarf with a batard over his head poised to throw ... or about 50 pounds of C4 would work, I think, just don't be around when it goes off. If you don't wish to be that aggressive, I suggest concrete the yard, then have a painter paint grass on it.

Your Fiend, Floatingbiscuit

Mike said...

I was not able to locate any C-4..