Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What is a blog anyway

It seems that one can "blog" about anything. Blog, now that is an intresting word, is it a verb, or a noun. I am going to blog, and this is a blog. What exactly is a blog anyway, a weB LOG.

Why not call it a Welog. It is for more than one person to read, I mean if I was the only one to read it, why not call it a Melog, or mylog, or what is that old term..oh dairy, that's milk. I mean diary.

Like I would be caught doing a diary, Dear Diary...yeah that's gonna happen.

What exactly is a Blog, am I doing this correctly, or is there a form or a special protocol one can follow?

Oh for those reading these blurbs from my Blurb log or just Blog, there is a comment section below, for you to make please feel free to..uhh....comment.

Remember back when, people call the television the boob tube, mostly due to the inane, mindless shows. Now we have shows that have, multiple storylines and characters, deep plots and mult-layered meanings containing metaphores, similes, allegoric, and other english terms. Now folks are complaining about them being too involved. By the way that was the topic of the blog..just thought I would at least present an intelligent thought n this here Blog.

Well that is enough for now.

1 comment:

Glenn A.Gurley said...

Well we got your blog and we don't know what to do with it,I guess if we understood it we would know what to do with it.Next time you go blobbing alone try to write something that we can understand,you got to understand that old folks minds are stiff and just cannot follow these new thought patterns.All is well at our home hope for the same with you Two and cats (three or four)