Monday, March 24, 2008

Today is Monday March, 24, 2008

The title of this post is kinda fitting since this is the day that I am writing this. I had a great day on Sunday with my Family (capitalized cause they are a special bunch of folks). I worked the weekend, and have a few comments about the Easter holiday

Intresting fact. Easter baskets are not purchased till the week of the big event, they sat in the store for at least a month..sitting..sitting...waiting for that day. Then bam, gone..sold out..within a week. ( bad sad... for those that wait till the last minute.. there is a lesson there..)

So the big question is Why the gift baskets of toys and candy????

Easter is not supposed to be like Christmas, although both holidays are centered around the same person, there is a distinct difference.

Christmas is about giving gifts, The gift received by us from God, Jesus. We give gift to acknowlege this.

Easter is about the gift we received. Easter is the time of true thanksgiving..not of what we have, but what we were given, that being salvation, pretty neat gift if you ask me.

This is my blog for now.

I was told to write one a week, I will try to stay the course. If anyone has a topic they would like to discuss, please let me know. out chocolate should be a year round I am "down" with that..

PSS "down" is slang for "I concur with your postion on said subject". So if you wanted to comment on my post and you agree with could say ....Yo dawg I'm down wit dat.

PSSS "Yo dawg" is slang for "Yes (or Hark) , my friend"

PSSSS "wit" and "dat" Is just "with" and "that" but with an attidude.

1 comment:

Glenn A.Gurley said...

I think it is better thay english. Much easy to learn all you have to do is just go out into the sreeet and you can get it. Have a great day, Keep writting, POP